Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Weightlifting isn't the only way to build muscle! Yoga uses your natural body weight and resistance to build lean muscle mass. Yoga improves blood flow by lengthening muscle and tissue. Better blood flow = more oxygen to muscles = faster recovery. Yoga can also help prevent injuries by improving flexibility and range of motion to lengthen muscles and eliminate strains and tightness. It also gives you better awareness of your body so you can recognize issues such as poor posture.
So many men now practice yoga, from movie/TV stars, to professional athletes, to your neighbor. Whether you are athletically active or spend hours at a desk, yoga can help in numerous ways. After just a 20-minute yoga session, research found people have improved memory which assists in maintaining focus, retaining information, and more energy.
Anxious about attending your first yoga class? Here’s a suggestion – learn a few poses beforehand! Start with the basics, such as, Downward Facing Dog. Everyone has at least heard of those pose, as it is one of the most common.
How to do it:
Get on your hands and knees. Curl your toes under and push into your hands. Straighten your legs, move your shoulders back so they are no longer over your wrists and raise your back end up high. Make your body in the shape of a V. Let your head hang heavy. Bend one knee and then the other, peddling out the feet and calves. You can keep your knees bent if you can't straighten your legs. Stay for 5 breaths.
To celebrate our male students and to invite more men into our yoga world, we are offering the below:
October 1st - October 31st, 2019
NEXT yoga - Wheaton & Elmhurst
FREE classes for Men on:
-10/1 - 4:30p - N2
-10/8 - 6:15p - Trad. Hot
-10/18 - 6:15p - Restore
-10/21 - 4:30p - Sculpt
-10/2 - 9:30a - N2
-10/7 - 12:00p - Trad. Hot
-10/16 - 8:00p - Restore
-10/22 - 6:30p - Sculpt
For the month of October, all men also receive their first month of our BTU Membership for only $39! (originally $89).
Grab your brother, husband, friend, boyfriend, uncle, or any man in your life for some yoga! If you have any additional questions, please email