Fundamentals of Alignment

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Body alignment is the optimal placement of body parts so the bones are efficiently used, the muscles do less work, and the body avoids injury.

Most pain in the body is a result of improper alignment in everyday life. Misalignment can result from postural bad habits, past injury, and normal activities.

Our yoga practice can reverse some of these misalignments through muscle memory, building strength, and increasing flexibility.

Create a Strong Foundation
Cue from the ground up. The body part connected to the earth should be grounded.

Neutral Alignment
In neutral alignment we find a state of weightlessness. Know your body structure.

Stacking the Joints
Protect the joints by stacking them over one another.

Move from the Bones
Everything is attached to your skeletal system. If you move your bones, your muscles move. The Bones are the key to increasing range of motion an discovering limited range of motion. Anatomically, we are all different.

Strength and Softness
Find the balance between strength and softness and surrender into your pose.

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