Gratitude Yoga this Thanksgiving
Monday, November 23, 2020

Practice this simple gratitude yoga at some point this week. May it be a reminder of your blessings and a manifestation of more to come.
~ Start this practice seated. Close your eyes and bring your hands to heart center. Extend gratitude out to whatever it was that brought you back to your mat today.
~ Walk your fingertips out in front of you and come to Child’s Pose. Breathe into the corners of your body and send a wave of heartfelt gratitude for your health. Send a thank you to yourself for the dedication it takes to keep practicing.
~ Send a gracious part of your gratitude to the Earth for providing for you and your loved ones. Consider the things or people in your life that you might take for granted and send some thanks to whatever it is that allows you to keep those things or people around.
~ Set an intention for the year ahead to recall this gratitude as frequently as possible and to remind yourself of all the tiny blessings you have as well as the big ones.
Hi, Yogis!
These are challenging times, but with the support of each other we have so much to be grateful for. Effective now, Illinois enters into Tier 3 Resurgence Mitigations, which means we will pause our in-studio yoga classes. Our amazing NEXT yoga instructors will continue to teach virtual classes. Because it’s difficult to replace the heat and humidity in our homes, we will host a few “Private Instruction” Traditional Hot classes which are limited to 5 students. Please look at our temporary schedule at
VIRTUAL CLASSES - NEXT yoga virtual on-line classes will continue throughout the day.
TRADITIONAL HOT “Private yoga”- We are permitted to lead “Traditional Hot Private Instruction” with a maximum of 5 people at our Wheaton Studio with the heat lowered to 100 degrees & humidity at 35.
MASKS - Masks are mandated to be worn at all times by teachers and students. Due to the rise in the positivity rate in the DuPage area, the only acceptable face covering will be a face mask that covers your nose and mouth.
Thank you for being a part of our community. You and our teachers have made NEXT yoga the premier studio that it is. We are thankful, grateful and truly blessed.
Stay healthy & safe,
Debbie & Lauren