Rethinking Your Resolutions
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Here comes 2021!! As always, the new year marks a time of reflection and resolutions.
We all have some bad habits or behaviors that we’d like to give up, but have you ever thought about thinking of them in a different way? The mindset is the toughest part of not only making a New Year’s resolution, but keeping it.
Maybe instead of thinking about what you’re giving up, think about what you’re gaining. For instance, if your resolution is lessening your screen time, think about the book that you will finally read (you know, the one you always wanted to, but never found the time). If you want to eat healthier, commit to eating more greens instead of less sweets.
It’s important to also remind yourself that your resolutions are not punishments. Resolutions should be what you WANT, not what you think you NEED. Resolutions are about getting what you want, so you release into the universe your deepest desires. The root of the word “resolve” means to “loosen,” “untie,” or “release.” What keeps a resolution kept then, is more a willingness to embrace change, rather than fight it with willpower.
It might seem like these apparently minor differences in wording and attitude don’t matter, but they do! Your brain can more effectively network on intentions stated in the affirmative than in the negative. So, think before you think. Am I sending myself the best messages? Am I giving myself the love and support I’d give a friend or family member?
Be good to yourself and manifest all that you deserve! May good health and happiness be yours in 2021!
We’ve added a handful of in-studio N2 + Sculpt classes. Classes are 7 people max and masks are required the entire time. The schedule is live so head over to our website or download the NEXT yoga app to register!
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